Official Townland name
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Placenames mentioned in this townland are :Field Name Book
Field Name Book description from 1838/1839 noted by the surveyors who produced the O.S maps originally.Gurtbrack
B.S.S.M. : 18Gort Breac , speckled field.
- Gortbrack : J. 0'D,
- Gorthbrack : Co. Map
- Gortbrack : Inq. temp. Eliz.
- Gortbracke : Inq. temp. Jac.. I.
- Gortbrack : Strafford's Survey
Situated in the south-west corner of the parish.It is bounded on the N . by the tds. of Ballycurrin and Mounthenry; E. by Moyne td.; and S. and W. by the ph. of Killursa, in the Co. Galway.
It contains 332a. 3r. 8p., and is the property of Captain Lynch, of Ballycurrin House. It is let to tenants at will, in farms of from 4 to 12 acres, at a yearly rent of from 16s. to 22s. per Irish acre. The Greater part of this td. is rocks and rough boggy land. The tenants are all Catholics.
When searching for a placename type some or all of the word and click search. If you are unsure of the spelling try a part of the word . For example the placename Mocharra sounds like Moharra so if you search for arra you should find it. For example a placename record ( eg Rostaff ) gives the townland ( eg Moyne ) and the civil parish ( eg Shrule ) .