Immaculate Conception, Glencorrib

Vigil 6:30pm, 9:30am
Monday 10:00am
Tuesday 10:00am
Wednesday 10:00am
Thursday  10:00am
Friday 7:00pm

Immaculate Conception, Glencorrib

In 1850 George Ouseley Higgins, M.P. for Mayo acquired the Glencorrib estate formerly owned by the Dillon-Browne family and had lost through bankruptcy. The Higgins family also acquired the Dillon-Browne residence, “Glencorrib Lodge”, a residence, which had begun to give its name to the local townland, which it still does.
Colonel Higgins died in 1874 at his London residence in Belgrade Square. At his death he donated large sums to charity. Margaret Higgins, a Sister of Charity in St. Vincent’s, put funds at the disposal of Fr. Goode to erect a new church in memory of her brother.
Responding to calls from the Bishop and from Fr. Goode, the parishioners gave their labour in drawing stones, sand and lime, to the site.
An extension made in 1944 increased the size of the church and gave it a more balanced appearance.
In 1963 a half-ton bell was donated by John Harte, of Mount Henry, in memory of his deceased brother, James.

In 2017 the Curate’s House  was renovated to house the “Sunny Days” breakfast club .
See the following link for updates on the work  on the church carpark and improved access to the community walkway.