Fr. Vivian Loughrey
Fr. Vivian Loughrey , P.P. 2015 – current
Fr. Michael Crosbie, P.P 1998 – 2015 A tribute
A native of Ballinrobe and one of three brothers in the priesthood.
It‟s been more than 19 years ago since Fr. Crosby took to the Curraghline and leaving Galway city behind him after a lifetime of work there to take up his new appointment as PP of Shrule Parish……….. see the tribute
Fr. William Rooney, P.P 1988 – 1998
Fr. Colman O’Halloran, P.P 1981 – 1988
A widely read and scholarly man. Shrule Community Hall was built during his tenure.
Fr. Thomas Coyne, P.P 1945 – 1981
A native of Caherlistrane, he was appointed Parish Priest and remained in that position until he retired on June 30th, 1981.
He was a dedicated and caring pastor and he became famous for his work in maintaining the schools and churches in the parish.
He also organised football tournaments, concerts and local carnivals. He is buried in the Shrule church grounds.
Fr. Henry Feeney, P.P. 1931 – 1945 A Tribute
An active administrator, he extended and enlarged both churches. Glencorrib was extended in 1944, considerably increasing its capacity. He also enlarged Shrule parochial house. A friend of Pádraig Pearse and Liam Mellows, he spent some time in America and wrote a lot of his correspondence in Irish.
Fr. Patrick Lydon, P.P. 1917 – 1931
Appointed manager of Glencorrib school in 1917, after the position was returned to the parish. Not much is known about Fr. Lydon other than he moved to Lisdoonvarna, where he is buried.
Fr. John Conroy, P.P. 1891-1917
A native of Ballyhaunis, he was ordained in 1877. He built a parochial house at the back of the church, on the site of the present house. He also had a great interest in farming and passed a lot of time with farmers, discussing their problems. He died on May 27, 1917 at the home of his sister in Claremorris,where he was buried.
The curate in 1905 was Fr. Martin Kelly for 3 years and then for 8 years no curate was appointed until 1916 when Fr Considine took up the position.
Fr. John and Fr. Daniel Goode, P.P 1867-1885 and 1885-1891
Natives of Oranmore, Father John succeeded Fr. Geraghty as P.P. of Shrule parish in 1867. He was responsible for the decision of building a church in Glencorrib and he also undertook the repair of the church in Shrule. Like other P.P.s before him he had no curate to help him and had to say mass in both Kilroe and Shrule every Sunday. He died on the March 3, 1885 at the age of fifty four.He was replaced by his brother Fr. Daniel, previously P.P. of St.Nicholas West. He stayed six years in Shrule and those were relatively uneventful.
Fr John Geraghty, P.P. 1862 – 1868
Brother of father James he was a native of Moylough, he was appointed to Shrule in 1864 to replace Fr. Phew. He had no curate to help him in his work. After 3 years in the parish he was transferred to Oranmore where he died ten years later at the age of seventy-four.
Fr. Michael and Fr. Andrew Phew 1847 – 1864
Both born in the townland of Rostaff, near Moyne, they belonged to a wealthy and respected family which gave it’s last three sons as priests to the diocese. Fr. Michael was appointed to replace Fr. James Geraghty as P.P. in 1847. For many years he had to say mass every Sunday both in Shrule and in Kilroe until 1857 when his brother Fr. Andrew was appointed as his curate. In 1864 Fr. Michael retired and Fr. Andrew was transferred as soon as a new P.P. was appointed. Fr. Michael died in his home place on the 7th March 1866.
Fr. James Geraghty, P.P. <1836 – 1847
He was acting P.P. of Shrule while Fr. Lowther stayed in Galway from 1832 to 1839, after the death of Fr. Lowther. He stayed in Shrule as priest until 1844 when he retired. He lived in Shrule until 1847.
Patrick Monaghan (Fr.) c 1824
Lowther John (Fr.) 1800? – 1817
A native of Headford, born about 1746, he was educated abroad. His parents were buried in Teampall Colmain in Shrule. He is recorded as being parish priest of Shrule in 1800 but it is most likely that he was in that position at a much earlier date. Because of a dispute with the Parish Priest of Kilmaine he was transferred in 1817 to be P.P. of Rahoon, he was also promoted Vicar of the Wardenship. In 1832 he was requested to relinquish his position in Rahoon, an arrangement was made to confer to him the parish of Shrule with a contribution of 35 pounds per annum from the parish for his upkeep, provided he would give up Rahoon. From then on Fr. Lowther was nominally the P.P. for Shrule , in fact he lived in Quay st. Galway until his death on Oct. 11, 1839, at the age of ninety-three.
Cormack Canavan c.1704
In 1704 a list of popish priests says he was 52 yrs old , living in Moyne . He was ordained in 1675 in Oranmore by Dr James Lynch (titular Archbishop of Tuam)
Glencorrib Curates
Fr. Morissey 1994 (for short period)
Fr. John Creaven (Curate) – A tribute
Fr. John Creaven was born in Caherlea, Tuam in 1917. He received his primary education from the Franciscan Brothers O.S.F. in their Curry Monastery School. Fr. Creaven has never forgotten his native parish of Corofin nor the debt he owes to its community, school, church and all the priests who served there.
Fr. Paddy Eaton 1988-1994
Fr. Xavier 06/1984-08/1984
Fr. John Dwyer 11/08/1979-28/10/1979
Fr. Christy O’Connor 1975-1988
Fr. Paddy Callinan 1973-1975
Fr. Christy Walshe 1970-1973
Fr. Ray Kelly 1967-1970
Fr. E. Dermody 1966-1967
Fr. Michael Kelly 1964-1966
Fr. Ray Kelly 1961-1964
Fr. Liam Power 1958-1961
Fr. Eoin Casserley 1956-1958
Fr. Alfie O’Halloran 1953-1956
Fr. Robert Canavan 07/1953-09/1953
Fr. Gabriel Charles 1947-1948
Fr. Barney Mulkerins 1943-1955
Fr. Michael Hanniffy 1937-1943
Fr. Brendan Moroney 1936-1937
Fr. Joseph O’Farrell 1929-1936
Fr. Tom Hanley 1928-1929
Fr. Michael J. Curran 01/1927-07/1928
Fr. Denis O’Hara 1925-1926
Fr. Augustine O’Dea 1924-1925
Fr. Harry Feeney 07/1922-10/1922
Fr. Tom Burke 1918-1922
Fr. Michael Davenport 1917-1918
Fr. John Considine 1916-1917
Fr. Martin Kealy 1904-02/1909
Fr. Patrick Daveron 1902-1903
Fr. Hubert McNally 1800 (Kilroe)