Shrule parish church (St.Joseph’s) records begin in 1831 and thanks to Fr. Michael Crosby they are now all computerised .The 19th century records are available on this website in a searchable format.
The parish records from 1831 to the end of 1864 are recorded in a ledger which is essentially an accounts sysem for the parish as baptisms , marriages and certificates issued were subject to a fee.
Some years (1847..1854) have no records at all , most likely due to the famine . People were too destitute to be in a position to pay for church services .
Shrule is incredibly lucky to have parish records of Marriages , Baptisms and other church related miscellania going back to the parish Church’s foundation in 1831 and doubly blessed to have a Parish Priest who is doing so much to preserve and make the heritage of the place available for future generations.