The Ministry of Lector
The ministry of Lector is one of more familiar of ministries within the church. The lector is an active part in proclaiming the Word of God.
Lectors are required to read in public and are provided with support and assistance. This allows lectors to feel comfortable and confident in this ministry.
Booklet for Readers 6Download the Booklet for Readers
Shrule Church Lector coordinator: Carmel Heneghan
Glencorrib Church Lector coordinator: Eleanor Hennelly
The ministry of Extraordinary Minister
The ministry of Extraordinary Minister is a familiar ministry of the church. It entails assisting the celebrant is the distribution of Holy Communion. This ensures the distribution of Holy Communion can be carried out in a way that is respectful and meaningful.
Training is provided to those who volunteer for this ministry so they can feel confident and comfortable in this ministry as well as allowing them to deepen their understanding of the ministry.
EM’s are also entrusted with taking Communion to homebound parishioners in our area.
Booklet for Extraordinary MinistersDownload the Booklet for Extraordinary Ministers
Shrule EM coordinator: Ann Geraghty
Glencorrib EM coordinator: Nellie Hogan
Ministry of Music
This is a key ministry within any liturgy especially Sunday liturgies. The ministry can be divided into 3 parts:
1. Head of Choir: This person is responsible for the music choices for the liturgy along with the celebrant
2. Choir: This is group of parishioners who share their gift and love of music & singing with the community which enhance the liturgies so much.
3. Musicians: These are the individuals who share their gift and talent of play an instrument that enriches the singing as well as the liturgy so much.
Shrule Choir: Geraldine Farrell
Glencorrib Choir: Terri Flynn
Ministry of Usher
Ushers were introduced in response to necessary stewarding when public liturgies resumed. This ministry is a valuable addition to the parish not only in ensuring the church is ready for the public, but in the variety of ways ushers assist before, during and after public liturgies such as welcoming, helping visitors and offering assistance.
Shrule Church Usher coordinator: John Stanuton
Glencorrib Church Usher coordinator: Michael Melette
Ministry of Sacristan
Each public liturgy requires planning and preparation, as well as assistance during and after the liturgy. This role is carried out by the sacristans who set up the church for liturgies as well as ensuring that necessary supplies remain in stock.
Shrule church has a team of sacristans that cover both weekends & weekdays.
Ministry of Altar Servers
Many have fond childhood memories of being an altar server. Each church is served by a team of altar servers throughout the year.
It is an excellent way in which children can become more familiar with liturgy and Mass as well as learn new skills and confidence in a public setting.
Shrule Parish adheres strictly to all Child Safeguarding polices & requirements. Each altar server team is required to have a Garda vetted supervisor.
Altar Servers Training Handbook Shrule ParishAltar Society
This ministry centres around ensuring the church, especially the sanctuary area, side altars and statues are adorned with flowers in an appropriate manner. This is especially true of the main seasons of the liturgical year such as Christmas and Easter.
This ministry enhances the environment of the sanctuary as well as the church enabling people to encounter God in a more meaningful, thoughtful, and prayerful way.
Shrule – download
Altar Society Shrule Areas
Glencorrib – download
Altar Society Glencorrib Areas
Adoration of Blessed Sacrament
Holy hours with the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place in both church during the week as follows:
Shrule Church on Friday’s 7pm to 8pm
Glencorrib Church on Sundays 3pm to 4pm
During the Seasons of Advent & Lent, there is an additional holy hour in Shrule on Sundays from 3pm to 4pm
Shrule Church Holy Hour coordinator: Maura Mullin
Glencorrib Church Holy Hour coordinator: Peterina Joyce
Church Maintenance and Upkeep
Both churches are maintained on a weekly basis both by volunteers & RSS members. This ensures the churches are a welcoming place for weekly and weekend Masses as well as for other liturgies such as baptisms, weddings, and funerals as well as for private prayer. The work both volunteers & RSS carry out does not go unnoticed as positive comments are often made by the public especially visitors to the churches.
The Pioneers have a active group in the parish, who organise a speaker for weekend liturgies on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday, as well as provide talks to Confirmation classes & run the yearly school essay competition.
Glencorrib Pioneer Association President: Dan Shaughnessy
Envelope Distributors
Church envelope boxes were introduced in 2016, and due to GDPR, it is not permitted to leave the boxes in a public area for individual collection.
A team of 36 volunteers’ delivery the church envelope boxes every December
Communications Group
This group is composed of the various forms of parish communication (newsletter, Facebook & website) with a representative of the parish pastoral council to ensure communication between the various platforms.
Parish Newsletter
The parish newsletter is available in hard copy in both churches and can be found online here on the parish website as well as the parish Facebook page.
The newsletter is done on a voluntary basis by Stephen Higgins.